Monday, December 26, 2011

CS402 theory of automata quizes

1. Two languages are said to belong to same class if they C when they run over an FA, that state  (May befinal State or not).
2. One language can have ……… CFG(s) 
(At least one)
3. If an FA has N state then it must accept the word of length 
4. In pumping lemma theorem (x y^n z) the range of n is 
5. For a non regular language there exist …… FA 
6. If the intersection of two regular languages is regular then the complement of the intersection of these twolanguages is also regular 
7. According to Myhill Nerode theorem, if L generates finite no. of classes then L is
8. The language generated by the CFG is called the language ……by the CFG 
9. If L1 and L2 are regular languages then which statement is NOT true? 
(L1/L2 is always regular)
10. The values of input (say a & b) does not remain same in one cycle due to 
(clock pulse)
11. The reverse of the string sbfsbb over { sb, f, b }
12. In CFG, the symbols that cannot be replaced by anything are called
13. a^n b^n generates the ………… language 
(Non regular languages)
14. The production S --> SS | a | b | ^ can be expressed by RE 
Any word generated by given CFG can also be expressed by
 (Syntax tree or Generation
tree or Derivation tree as well)
15. Set of all palindromes over {a,b}is regular (false)
16. The grammatical rules which involves meaning of words are called
: (semantic)
17. An FA has same initial and final state, then it means that it has no final state. 
18. The same non terminals can be written in single line if they have more than one
19. In pref(Q in R) Q is …… to (than) R 
(Q is not equal to R)
20. The complement of a regular language is also a regular 
21. There is at least one production that has one........on its left side. 
(None Terminal)
22. For language L defined over {a, b},then L partitions {a, b}* into …… classes 

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